PASSION (from the Latin verb patior, meaning to suffer or to endure) is an emotion applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love.
STYLE is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system. It can be used both as a noun and as a verb and, in a broader way, it means applied arts and engineering.
CARE means serious attention; solicitude; heed; caution; protection; charge; temporary keeping, as for the benefit of or until claimed by the owner.


sabato 17 aprile 2010


La Rocker C come è arrivata da Crazyoils.
The Rocker C as it arrived at Crazyoils.
Sella e parafango posteriore rimossi.
Removed seat and rear fender.
Sella e parafango posteriore Heartland USA.
Heartland USA seat and rear fender.
Parafango anteriore Heartland USA.
Heartland USA front fender.
Completa della sua nuova carrozzeria.
Dressed up with its new body parts.
Ammortizzatori posteriori ribassati di 2". Notate la differenza!
2" lowered rear shocks. What a difference!
Il kit Progressive Suspension di abbassamento posteriore.
Progressive Suspensions kit to lower the rear shocks.

Di nuovo sul ponte e senza steli pronta per l'abbassamento anteriore.
On the lift again and ready to get the front end lowered.

Il progetto FXCWC Softail Rocker C è partito alla grande. I pezzi della Heartland USA sono fantastici e le foto non rendono giustizia. Settimana prossima verranno smontati e portati in verniciatura. Intanto si procederà alla costruzione di alcuni accessori quali supporti borsa, sella passeggero e staffa per la targa laterale. Verrà fuori un bel mezzo. Non vedo l'ora!
The FXCWC Softail Rocker project has started. The Heartland USA parts are awesome. Pics don't give them justice. Next week I'll send them out to get their paint job and then I'll start working on some handmade custom parts such as saddlebag supports, passenger seat and side mounted licence plate. Can't wait to start working again!

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