PASSION (from the Latin verb patior, meaning to suffer or to endure) is an emotion applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love.
STYLE is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system. It can be used both as a noun and as a verb and, in a broader way, it means applied arts and engineering.
CARE means serious attention; solicitude; heed; caution; protection; charge; temporary keeping, as for the benefit of or until claimed by the owner.


domenica 2 dicembre 2012

Ultimamente non sto pubblicando molto, forse troppo preso dal lavoro e dalla famiglia, forse troppo stanco per mettermi al computer alle ore più strane. Ad ogni modo questo non significa che non sia andato avanti coi miei lavori, con le mie moto, coi miei progetti. Giusto ieri ho quasi ultimato questo porta strumento per una FXS Black Line che sto pesantemente modificando. E' un pezzo unico costruito su misura quasi completamente a mano. Partendo da una dima in cartoncino e da un foglio di lamiera da 1,5mm di spessore, ho ritagliato i pezzi necessari, ho forato, fresato, saldato e poi levigato e smussato fino ad ottenere il pezzo desiderato. Ne vado fiero perchè mi rendo conto di aver realizzato un pezzo notevole, quasi perfetto nelle misure e nelle proporzioni, e soprattutto perchè le mie abilità di costruttore e plasmatore del metallo migliorano di giorno in giorno. Una volta lucidato per benino verrà cromato e rifinito ulteriormente. Non vedo l'ora!
I haven't been posting a lot lately but this doesn't mean that I haven't been doing anything. Au contraire, I've actually been working so much that it was always too late and I was always too tired to sit in front of the computer to post something. But this piece really deserves some attention. It's a custom made dash panel for an FXS Black Line that I've been modifying a lot. It's something unique and I'm really proud of it because it's almost all hand made by myself from a scratch on paper. The lines and proportions are almost perfect and this makes me realise that my skills on metal fabrication are getting better and better every day. It still needs to be sanded and chromed. Can't wait to see it finished!

sabato 1 dicembre 2012


In conto vendita una Triumph Bonneville del 1958, molto bella. Per informazioni contattatemi via mail.
For sale a nice 1958 Triumph Bonneville. Please email me for more information.